Levchenko Ekaterina

Middle Android Developer

Hi, I'm Android developer for more than 5 years and Bachelor of Computer Science.


Innopolis, Russia






Mar. 2020 - Now:

X5 Retail Group

Developed several modules Mobile GK application for use in Pyaterochka retail stores.
∙ Kotlin, MVI, Coroutines, Retrofit, Material Design, Room, Timber, Picasso, Koin, Ciceron, Matomo, GSON

Sep. 2019 - Nov. 2019:


Developed GUI for visualization of 3D models and approximation of the difference between the real assembled model and the perfect 3D CAD model.
∙ PyQt 5, Python, Open Cascade

May 2019 - Aug. 2019:

Stride - Suvar

Developed a mobile application for Suvar company to make a more convenient client for apartment buyers. I implemented the whole mobile application except for several screens. Link to Google Play
∙ Kotlin, Retrofit, MVP, Moxy, Espresso, RxJava/RxAndroid

Jan. 2019 - May 2019:

Industrial Project in Acronis

Developed a faster backup solution with the Research and Development Dept. We made an experiment stand for them with a proof of the concept.
∙ Python, C, C++, WINAPI, Jira

May 2018 - Aug. 2018:

Internship in MTS IT

Developed a mobile application for selling sim cards. Refactored legacy code using MVVM pattern and Kotlin. Learned Android Architecture Components.
∙ Kotlin, Java, Retrofit, MVVM, AAC, DataBinding, OkHttp, Espresso, JUnit

Sep. 2015 - Dec. 2015:

D'ONEs - Tokyo DDOS security company

Supported development of a business model.


WINNER of HackUniversity 2019 Hackathon

First place in nomination blockchain with navigation application that confirms your path with blockchain technology. (Hard to explain in few sentences, feel free to ask me if you are interested)

UNE Russian - Accentuation

Android application for helping scholars in preparation for the standardized test when graduating from school. It is in the top 200 of Russian educational apps with more than 217 000 downloads.
Link to Google Play
∙ Kotlin, Java, SQLite, ButterKnife, MVP

UNE Russian - Grammar

The same as previous but with more focuse on Russian Grammar part. It is in the top 200 of Russian educational apps with more than 27 000 downloads.
Link to Google Play
∙ Kotlin, Java, SQLite, ButterKnife, MVP

ArchCityHack Hackathon

Optimizing of travel path between state institutions. https://github.com/andrew-it/In-Tempore
∙ Java, Google Maps API.

Example projects on GitHub:

∙Kotlin, Retrofit 2, LiveData, Dagger 2, OkHttp 3, Gson, Room, AndroidX
∙Java, Retrofit, RXAndroid/RXJava, Dagger 2, ButterKnife, Picasso
∙Kotlin, Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson, ButterKnife, RXAndroid/RXJava, Glide

Accomplishments and skills

Winner of HackUniversity 2019 Hackathon
∙ Android developer for more than 5 years
∙ Studied at Seoul National University as an exchange student for one semester
∙ Studied at Samsung IT&SW junior school
∙ Participant of organization team of Google Development Group in Kazan
∙ Published an article on Habrahabr (in Russian) about Google Maps API.

Technology Summary

∙ Languages: Java, Kotlin, Scala, Python, C, C++
∙ Android Architecture Components (Navigation, Room, ViewModel etc.), Retrofit, Realtime Database (Firebase), Dagger2, Koin 2.0, DataBinding, Glide, Gson, RXJava 2, RxAndroid, RxBinding, ButterKnife, Google Maps API, HereMapsApi, OkHttp, SQLite, Tinkoff SDK.
∙ Tests via Espresso, Mockito, Robolectric. Unit tests (JUnit5).
∙ Development tools: Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, Sketch, Jira.